Common Services: CPC change and LMP keys
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Common Services: CPC change and LMP keys


Article ID: 199481


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Running with Common Services v15.0 and upgrading from: 

CURRENT = CPC SI = 3906.610.IBM.02.0000000000024E18
NEW = CPC SI = 3906.611.IBM.02.0000000000024E18

Capacity assigned to the lpars will not change. Only the model of the box will be changing.
IBM will change the model dynamically during the activity.

Based on the above information, here are the questions: 

Q1. Whether Broadcom products will have any problems with this scenario?

Q2. If YES , then what will be the problem and what actions should be taken with regard to the applications of new LMP keys in this scenario? 

Q3. If NO , then when should be apply the new LMP keys: BEFORE the dynamic change by IBM, or AFTER?

And are there any refresh type actions that need to be taken? 


Common Services 14.1 & 15.0 - z/OS supported releases - 



Q1. Whether Broadcom products will have any problems with this scenario?

A1. No since Common Services is not hardware dependent.


Q2. If YES , then what will be the problem and what actions should be taken with regard to the applications of new LMP keys in this scenario? 
A2.  Not applicable 

Q3. If NO, then when should be apply the new passcodes: BEFORE the dynamic change by IBM, or AFTER?

And are there any refresh type actions that need to be taken? 

A3. Since LMP is not really checking the CPC model, the new LMP keys can be applied before or after and CAS9 must be started.