Safex error when using a non-eiamadmin id
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Safex error when using a non-eiamadmin id


Article ID: 199466


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


Safex imports have issues if a non-eiamadmin id is used



/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/bin/safex -h `hostname` -u user_name -p Password -f /tmp/inpt -b

OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app123-gvar]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app123-resource]
ERROR: [0x7c998740] ispUtil::TcpAddress getaddrinfo returned error Name or service not known
ERROR: [0x7c998740] ispUtil::TcpConnect TcpAddress failed for host []
ERROR: [0x7c998740] ispUtil.HttpPostRequest: ObtainPC Failed
37119 [0x7f317c998740] ERROR PozFactory null - PozFactory::isFailoverRequired: Could not communicate with the EEM Server, server returned with errorcode= -3

Current XML file location: line 11 column 47
error: action[Remove] object[Policy] name[/app789-DYNAM-PROD] error retrieving
Safe Error: [EE_POZERROR Repository Error]
Sponsor Error: [ISE_BADFILTER bad/wrong filters supplied]
Debug [Retrieve Error: PozError]
Debug [PE_SPONSORERROR iSponsor Error]
Debug [pozObject::retrieve: error invoking iPoz::ObjectRetrieve on host host123]
Debug [No SessionId]
Debug [/iTechPoz/Store/WorkloadAutomationAE/app789-DYNAM-PROD]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app789-FUNCTIONAL-PROD]


$ /opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedEntitlementsManager/bin/safex -h `hostname` -u user_name -p Password -f /tmp/inpt -b
OK:Successfully Authenticated
OK: action[Attach] with ApplicationInstance label[WorkloadAutomationAE]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app123-appl]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app123-gvar]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app123-resource]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app789-DYNAM-PROD]
OK: action[Remove] performed on object[Policy] name[/app789-FUNCTIONAL-PROD]
33955 [0x7f92f4ba1740] ERROR PozFactory null - PozFactory::isFailoverRequired: Could not communicate with the EEM Server, server returned with errorcode= 704
Memory fault



Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


When an id other than eiamadmin is used the id is checked/rechecked for each and every action taken against any and all objects in the input file.
Those checks (authentications and authorizations) of the id can be time consuming and lead to timeouts.

You can try from an AutoSys machine
1. cd to $AUTOUSER
2. vi the eiam.server.config file change sockettimeout: 120000 to 240000 or higher
3. Then perform safex using this type of syntax: safex -h -u -p XXXXXX -f -sdkconfig /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autouser.ACE/eiam.server.config

Or use the eiamadmin user when working with safex as it is treated differently, requiring only one check.