How to fill User Data fields using CADSMCMD?
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How to fill User Data fields using CADSMCMD?


Article ID: 199420


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


CADSMCMD lets create some scripting to perform automated tasks, some of them is to modify or update information of Agent machines.

Is there any way to fill User Details fields of target Agents locally from the Domain Manager?


Client Automation - All versions


Internally, those special fields are not actually called "User Detail X", this is just how they appear on DSM Explorer, the actual name of those fields is: "User", "Location", "Phone" and "Comment"

In order to fill those fields with certain data, the following command can be executed on the Domain Manager:

cadsmcmd targetComputer action=modify name=<Agent_Name> location=Street1 user=User1 phone=123456 comment=Comment1

Which will be reflected on DSM Explorer as:

Additional Information

Having this as example, some scripting can be built to automate this procedure.