z/OS 2.4 Compatibility with CA Easytrieve Plus R6.4
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z/OS 2.4 Compatibility with CA Easytrieve Plus R6.4


Article ID: 198779


Updated On:


PanAudit Plus Easytrieve Report Generator Easytrieve Report Generator for Common Services


The Easytrieve Plus R6.4 has been used in a customer site. The customer OS will be upgrade to to z/OS V2.4 in near future. Are there any impacts on the Easytrieve Plus R6.4?  Are there any required procedures or PTFs?




Release : 6.4

Component : CA Easytrieve Plus Report Generator


Please see this Compatibility Matrix for the z/OS V2.4.

This confirms that CA Easytrieve Plus R6.4 is certified and compatible with z/OS release 2.4 and no maintenance is needed. 

And there are no reported problem on the z/OS V2.4 for the Easytrieve Plus R6.4 at present.

(The PTF: QO72665 and RO06695 are required for the z9 processor or upper CPUs.)