After upgrading to the latest RU, Agents are only registering with the SMP for Task Services
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After upgrading to the latest RU, Agents are only registering with the SMP for Task Services


Article ID: 198740


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IT Management Suite


Task Server is installed on the Symantec Management Platform server (SMP) and also on other Site Servers in the environment.  Some agents are on the Corporate LAN and also connecting in through Cloud Enabled Management (CEM) however no Client Task Agents are able to register with a Site Server for Task Services.  Client Task Agents are only registering to the SMP, and where CEM agents are not able to register to the SMP for Task Services, they are remaining disconnected while in CEM Mode.


This environment has some CEM enabled clients, and also clients on the corporate LAN.  All systems could not register with any Site Servers, only the SMP when not in CEM mode.

8.5 upgrade to latest RU


The following Warnings are seen in the Agent Logs:

Task Server Connection: Failed to establish persistent connection to TS at 'https://ServerName:443/Altiris/WebSockets', error: Catastrophic failure (0x8000FFFF)

Host: ServerName:4726 
Path: /Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx 
Connection Id: 3687.5816 
Communication profile Id: {4E720A82-E554-4D3C-A824-0E0F3A584206} 
Throttling: 0 0 0 
Error type: SMP Server error 
Error code: The server is currently paused (0x8004200E) 
Error note: HTTP Status 200: 200 OK 
Server HTTPS connection info: 
   Server certificate: 
      Serial number: <many digits>
      Thumbprint: <many digits>
   Cryptographic protocol: TLS 1.2 
   Cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 
   Cipher algorithm: AES 
   Cipher key length: 256 
   Hash algorithm:  
   Hash length: 0 
   Key exchange algorithm: ECDH 
   Key length: 384


Task Server Connection: Failed to request 'https://ServerName:443/Altiris/ClientTaskServer/Register.aspx?lastResort=true&resTypeGuid={2C3CB3BB-FEE9-48DF-804F-90856198B600}&sysType=Win64&version=8.5.5713&resourceGuid=023f6a28-66e1-42f3-91ee-894f3c6af0f3&crc=0008000500001651', error: The server is currently paused (0x8004200E)

Task Server Connection: Failed to register on a Task Server from server list, error: The server is currently paused (0x8004200E)

Task Server Connection: Failed to refresh server list or register, error: The server is currently paused (0x8004200E)



Task Services were uninstalled from the SMP and then reinstalled.  The agents were then able to register with any Site Server through CEM or Corporate LAN.

To uninstall Task Services on the SMP do the following:

  1. In the Console browse to - Settings > Notification Server > Site Server Settings
  2. Then browse to Site Management > Site Servers > [SMP Server Name]  > Services
  3. Click Install / remove services 
  4. Uncheck Task Services
  5. Run a Delta Membership Update  "Delta Update Schedule"
    1. In the Console: Settings > Notification Server > Resource Membership Update, Run the Delta Membership Update, and wait for it to complete
  6. Go to the SMP Agent UI and "Update Configuration"
  7. The Task Service should Uninstall after a few minutes. 
    1. Uninstall is complete when the Agent UI restarts and the Agent Details tab of the agent UI does not list "Altiris Client Task Server Agent"
  8. Reboot the SMP
  9. Repeat Steps 1-7 again and in Step 4 check the box to Install Task Services on the SMP.
  10. After install completes run another Delta Membership Update
  11. Go back to Site Server Settings > Services and validate Task Services is now installed on the SMP.