CA GEN: Installing z/OS HE Generated Code: where are the link cards for the install members found?
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CA GEN: Installing z/OS HE Generated Code: where are the link cards for the install members found?


Article ID: 198731


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Installing code using the CA GEN Host Encyclopedia via a batch job, where are the link cards for the install of each member found?


CA GEN release 8.6


The datasets which you are referencing are temporary datasets created by CA GEN.

Please look at the job output on the JESYSMSG DDname and do a find for "LKPRT" and find the name of datasets such as these:

Regarding the node of D7101641 of the above dataset names, please know that this node is composed of a combination of the current date and time values.  So D7101641 can be explained as follows:

D:  stands for Date
7:  last digit of the current Julian Date as represented by &SYSJDATE.  Today is the 247th day in 2020, so &SYSJDATE returns 20.247.
10: current hour of the current time as represented by &SYSTIME
16: current minute of the current time as represented by &SYSTIME
41: current second of the current time as represented by &SYSTIME