CABI 100,000 Bucket Limit Error
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CABI 100,000 Bucket Limit Error


Article ID: 197733


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We currently create this report in list viewer within the UMP.  With the UMP going away (flash); we are trying to move the report to CABI. When trying to create a crossfeed report in CABI, we get a 100,000 bucket limit error.

We are trying to create a report with 54 devices, over a 1 week period using 1 minute intervals (would like a 5 minute interval but that is not an option). When we chose a 1 hour interval; the report will run for only 10 devices. 

More than ten devices causes this error.

ERROR AsyncJasperPrintAccessor,pool-8-thread-585:321 - Error during report execution

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Crosstab bucket/measure limit (100,000) exceeded.


  • Release: 20.1
  • Component: UIM - CABI


  • jaspersoft limit, configuration


This is a Jaspersoft error.

In this case, the customer increased the bucket size to 20,000,000 and ran the report.

62 devices, 7 days , 1 min sample.  They were able to generate the csv file which took about 5 minutes.

Mem util went up to about 84%  (out of 8GB).  They may decide to increase RAM to at least 16 GB on the Jasperserver.

Report size:

10,084 rows

64 columns

Data point, three places (i.e., 1.00)