How can the share option for a Database Analyzer for Db2 Extract or Action Procedure be updated
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How can the share option for a Database Analyzer for Db2 Extract or Action Procedure be updated


Article ID: 19768


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Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS


How can the SHAREOPTION for an Database Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS (PDA) Extract or Action Procedures be updated.
For example when the Creator USERID does not exist anymore but had been previously used to create PDA Procedures with the Share option set to N.


The DBA who has the authority need to edit table PTI.RACR_PROC_xxxx and update column RACR_SHROPTION to Y/N/U.

Values: Y The procedure is shareable by other users. 	  
        N The procedure is not shareable by other users.
        U The procedure is updateable by other users.

For the future this can be solved with using the following hlq.CDBAPARM(PDA) Member parameter:

  • DEF_PROC_CREATOR (nnnnnn)


For example, define DEF_PROC_CREATOR (SQLID) and ALLOW_DPC_PROFILE_OVERRIDE (N) within the hlq.CDBAPARM(PDA) Member.
This may be a better option for a group of DBAs working on Extracts. For detail description of these parameter, please refer to the highlvl.CDBAPARM(PDA) Member.