If for some reason, you are being enforced to use a standard of the domain name for XCOM based on the IPNAME which can be one to 63 characters, the version 15.0 of Endevor allows you to do that. From Version 15.0 going forward, when defining a shipment destination for the package ship feature, you can define a TCP/IP address by specifying an IPNAME and IPPORT. This option is only valid for the XCOM transmission method.
If for some reason, you are using a standard of the domain name for XCOM based on the IPNAME which can be one to 63 characters, Endevor versions 15.0 and higher, allows you to do that. From Version 15.0 going forward, when defining a shipment destination for the package ship feature, you can define a TCP/IP address by specifying an IPNAME and IPPORT. This option is only valid for the XCOM transmission method.
IPNAME and IPPORT can be specified when defining a remote shipment destination using the Define Destination SCL for Batch Admin, or in foreground using the BUILD - Create/Modify a Destination panels. Inclusion of the IPNAME and IPPORT fields was added to the API List Destination response structure, the CSV List Destination Extracted fields and to the CONRPT73 - List Destination Detail Report.