The InMemoryFilesystemSize setting in Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) has a maximum size of 128 GB.
SPE 8.1,8.2.x, 9.0.x
We recommend setting the InMemoryFilesystemSize and InMemoryFileScanCacheSize settings to 40% of the installed RAM on the scanner.
These two settings should always be the same number.
1. Confirm the physical memory on each machine
2. Do one of the following:
systeminfo | find "Physical Memory"
free -h
<install dir>/bin
on Linux or <install dir>
on Windows.<value>
with the size in megabytes:
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFilesys​temSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
.\xmlmodifier.exe -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFileScanCacheSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
./xmlmodifier -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFilesys​temSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
./xmlmodifier -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFileScanCacheSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
Net Stop symcscan
Net Start symcscan
/etc/init.d/symcscan restart
The InMemoryFilesystemSize setting in Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) has a maximum size of 128 GB. Versions prior to 8.1 had a maximum size of 4GB.