Configuring InMemoryFilesystemSize and InMemoryFileScanCacheSize in Protection Engine 9
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Configuring InMemoryFilesystemSize and InMemoryFileScanCacheSize in Protection Engine 9


Article ID: 196218


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


The InMemoryFilesystemSize setting in Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) has a maximum size of 128 GB. 


SPE 8.1,8.2.x, 9.0.x


We recommend setting the InMemoryFilesystemSize and InMemoryFileScanCacheSize settings to 40% of the installed RAM on the scanner.

These two settings should always be the same number.


1. Confirm the physical memory on each machine

2. Do one of the following:

  • In the SPE 9 application console, select the server or server group, then check and set the In memory file settings.
  • In the SPE 8 web central console, select the server group, then check and set the In memory file settings.
  • At the Linux bash or Windows cmd prompt, use the xmlmodifier tool to check and set the In memory file settings.


To confirm physical memory in MB on each machine, do one of the following:

  • At the Windows cmd prompt, type:
    systeminfo | find "Physical Memory"
  • At the Linux bash prompt, type:
    free -h


To check and apply In memory file settings in the SPE 9 application console

  1. In the SPE 9 application console, click Change
  2. Click the server or server group to check or change
  3. Click Select.
  4. Note the contents of "Maximum In-Memory File System Size (in MB)" and "Maximum In-Memory Scan Cache Size (in MB)"
  5. Set these two values to 40% of the physical memory.
  6. At the top of the SPE 9 console, click Apply changes.
  7. On the Apply Changes dialog box, click Apply changes.
  8. On the Operation Status dialog box, click Close.


To check and apply In memory file settings in the SPE 8 Web Central Console

  1. Open your policy for the scanners in Edit mode.
  2. Go to the System tab.
  3. Set Maximum In-memory File System Size (MBs) and Maximum In-memory Scan Cache Size (MBs) to 40% of the installed RAM.
  4. Click Save and apply the policy to the target scanner group.



  1. Open your terminal or command prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Change directory to <install dir>/bin on Linux or <install dir> on Windows.
  3. Use the following xmlmodifier commands, replacing <value> with the size in megabytes:
    • Windows:
      .\xmlmodifier.exe -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFilesys​temSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
      .\xmlmodifier.exe -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFileScanCacheSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
    • Linux:
      ./xmlmodifier -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFilesys​temSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
      ./xmlmodifier -s //filtering/Container/InMemoryFileScanCacheSize/@value <value> filtering.xml
  4. Restart the Symantec Protection Engine service:
    • Windows:
      • Net Stop symcscan
      • Net Start symcscan
    • Linux:
      • /etc/init.d/symcscan restart

Additional Information

Legacy version?

The InMemoryFilesystemSize setting in Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) has a maximum size of 128 GB.  Versions prior to 8.1 had a maximum size of 4GB.