TSSUTIL Shows *BYPASS* Assigned To AXR STC When Programs IEEPRWI2 Or IEEVSTAR In Control With Top Secret
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TSSUTIL Shows *BYPASS* Assigned To AXR STC When Programs IEEPRWI2 Or IEEVSTAR In Control With Top Secret


Article ID: 19496


Updated On:


Top Secret


Why is acid *BYPASS* assigned to the AXR STC when programs IEEPRWI2 or IEEVSTAR are in control?


Module IEEPRWI2 is the Started Task Control routine. This module is attached by the Region Control Task (RCT) and first executes a RACROUTE macro with some special attributes. These attributes identify the address space as a 'system address space'.

A system address space should use a powerful ACID that has full access to everything in the security product Top Secret. It builds a dummy ACID and ANY accesses done by this ACID should be allowed without any rule validation. This is why the BYPASS ACID appears in TSSUTIL when IEEPRWI2 is in control.