When you logon to the CA7SRVR task via the Workload Automation CA 7 Edition Web Client you are receiving the error message:
ECN70023: Login failed. Code: 130.
What does this mean and what action should you take?
This logon failure is due to the user that is attempting to logon to the CA7SRVR not having security access to the resource class that is defined by the FACILITY keyword. The FACILITY keyword is defined in the startup options located in the SYSIN DD in the CA7SRVR task.
The keyword is FACILITY=xxxxxxxx. The default is FACILITY=FACILITY.
Note: You can disable the security check by coding FACILITY=NONE
See the CA Workload Automation CA 7 Web Client Product Guide, chapter 3 for more details.
Additionally, the user will need security access to the RESOURCE CLASS defined by the FACILITY keyword in the CA7SRVR task.