The data looks to be translated from default EBCDIC US 037 locale. The problem is some of them use different locale on z/OS (ie IBM-1147), leading to wrongly translated characters into the Eclipse plugin.
How to instruct the plugin the data on host is to be translated from a particular locale ?
Release : 11.0
Component : CA InterTest Batch
CA InterTest: How to use Swedish codepage/encoding in the Eclipse GUI
Apply SO11126.
Customize these new lines in your CAVHUOPT (see new *.CAVHOPTN(CAVHUOPT) member) - change it from:
# *******************************************************
# Encoding of source code files
# Encoding used for file transfer to Eclipse UI client
# *******************************************************
# *******************************************************
# Encoding of source code files
# Encoding used for file transfer to Eclipse UI client
# *******************************************************
Start the Server on z/OS
Change encoding to UTF-8 via "Window" - "Preferences".
Select General -> Workspace.
Text file encoding -> Other -> UTF-8.
Click Apply and close button.
Close and restart Eclipse.
(Re)import the PROTSYM member and you should see Swedish characters.