Unable to inactivate ci relations using GRLoader.
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Unable to inactivate ci relations using GRLoader.


Article ID: 19469


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When trying to inactivate a ci relation using GRLoader, the command return in the Relation line: 1 Read and 1 Update.

But checking the relation through the web interface, it is still active.


Service Desk Manager 17.x


Trying to inactivate a ci relation using GRLoader,

Example: Delete a CI Relationship Using GRLoader

In the following XML example, the "connects to" relationship between ci_1 and ci_2 is deleted.

<type>connects to</type>


When you run the command: GRLoader -u xxxx -p xxxx -s http:\\localhost:8080 -i myxml.xml -n -a

The command return in the Relation line: 1 Read and 1 Update but checking the relation through the web interface, it is still active.

If the NX.env is missing NX_SDM_VERSION, then GRLoader fails to find the CMDB version and hence fails to update the delete flag.
Installing the option will resolve the issue.

The NX variable should look as follows in the NX.env file:

Please do the following to correctly set the cmdb version:

pdm_options_mgr -c -s SDM_VERSION -v '$NX_MAJOR_VER.$NX_MINOR_VER' -a

to avoid losing the change when you run pdm_configure, run the same command with -t option as follows:

pdm_options_mgr -c -s SDM_VERSION -v '$NX_MAJOR_VER.$NX_MINOR_VER' -a
pdm_option.inst -t

For each secondary Service Desk server you have configured, please manually add or update the NX variable.