TDM Reservations from Months Ago Are Not Being Removed from Orientdb
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TDM Reservations from Months Ago Are Not Being Removed from Orientdb


Article ID: 194637


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


Wrote custom Javelin that connects to Orientdb as Reader and does 

"command/ReservationDB/sql/select payL from Reservation where rcId=" &Vmodelid & "/1?"

Then created a JSON shred in TDM server and then ran same command without /1 to get all records for the model. It brings back data from several months ago. Thought the expire process would remove these??

When a reservation expires, is the TDM Processor just removing a link/node from another table?

Looking at the data the expiry date has 2119 for a year. Given the settings in tdmproperties file, why is it putting it 100 years in the future for the expiry date?

Noticed around 3:50 second mark the expirydate and scheduled date that come in the TDM Root Table. Attaching screen shot from CSV.


All supported TDM releases.



Working by design.


This is working by design.

ReservationMonitorJob- this job is responsible for getting the all success and expired reservations from orient db Reservation schema and check expiry date of every reservation, if it is before the today date and time then it will update that reservation as expired and will schedule a job to unreserve the data. this job loader is responsible to schedule the ReservationMonitorJob based on the reservationExpiryCheck flag.
By default this flag is false, and we never change it to true, so the job loader does not schedule ReservationMonitorJob.

Hence no reservation mark expired and purged based on the expiry.

Auto release of reservations based on expiry date is not supported.

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