Is it possible to allow approvers to modify approval details, as a correction action, on Identity Portal Task's approval screen before approving the task/request item?
This can be done in Identity Manager User Console but how can it be done in Identity Portal User Console?
Release : 14.x
Yes, this can be done in Identity Portal User Console. The key is you have to have a form in Identity Portal which is associated to the Identity Manager Approval Task you have specified in the Workflow configuration.
For example, I have a Workflow configuration in my "[Portal] Modify User" task's ModifyUserEvent that I have assigned the default "Approve Modify User" task as Approval Task. The "[Portal] Modify User" task and this "Approve Modify User" task have been added to my "[Portal] All Users" role so they are exposed to Identity Portal.
I have configured the "[Portal] Modify User" task within my Team Management module with required form in Identity Portal.
In addition to this, I also created a form that is associated to the "Approve Modify Task".
With this configuration, the approver will see additional "PROCESS INFORMATION" tab in the Approval Details of his Task's approval screen where he/she can modify the attribute value before approving the request.