Spectrum SBGW Alarm not created on device (No model with a Network Address of x.x.x.x could be found)
Below event is generated on SystemEDGE SBGW model in Spectrum
<!--1593119901000 33112327-->25-Jun-2020 5:18:21 EDT PM APP-SPECTRUM-SYSEDGE-BROADCOM Device APP-SPECTRUM-SYSEDGE-BROADCOM of type Host_systemEDGE - Error processing event 0x116002f - Details: No model with a Network Address of could be found. The text "Jun 25 04:36:03 EDT be [local8.info] HR_AB-6-LOG: TRACK_INET-2: INET-2 Link Problems"
could not be routed to the model. 0x3dc0000 System Host_systemEDGE 10
When searching for device within Spectrum Server the model is present and the connection is established with the Spectrum Server.
Release : 10.3+
Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER
Target Model(s) are discovered using Secure Domain Connector
On the SystemEDGE Model acting as the SBGW Set attribute SBGW_Ignore_Secure_Domain_Address to Yes