Exporting portlet results in a message
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Exporting portlet results in a message


Article ID: 194348


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When attempting to export the Project List containing about 1,300 projects, a proxy error is thrown after some time. There is an Excel sheet that is created, with the message mentioned below. This can happen in any other part of the application that has the Export functionality.

The system has determined that this export to Excel will take XX minutes to complete, 
which is greater than the allowed amount of time. The operation has been stopped by the system.


This is due to the Export to Excel time limit being exceeded. The out of the box E2E_TIMER limit is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

If the system determines that the full export may take longer than this amount of time, it will cancel the request, and populate the Excel file with the message mentioned above.


To change the timer for Export to Excel, run the following command:

admin governors -set E2E_TIMER XXX

(where XXX can be up to a max value of 720)

If any attempt is made to have the value be greater than 720 seconds, the following error will occur:

ERROR 2022-01-20 22:33:07,681 [main] utility.GovernorManager Failed to persist governor setting E2E_TIMER
Error occurred:  Error in persisting operation. You have specified the value as : 1200 which is higher than permissible 

Additional Information

If this happens on the project list, the Attribute Value Protection setting for the Project list under the Project Object views can be lowered, as this will decrease the processing time for the export. More info: AVP settings: Configure to improve performance