Gen Host Encyclopedia installation.
This question is on option 6 "Set DB2 variables" of the %CEINSTAL maintenance application.
What is the difference between the DB2 COLLECTION ID (DBCOLLID) and the Gen Runtime Collection ID (RTCOLLID)?
Gen Host Encyclopedia
RTCOLLID is the runtime collection ID. It is used in binding TIROLBCM and TIRPROFD in CEJOB14R and CEJOB15R respectively. It is the same collection used for the RPROF table. There is no need to rebuild the RPROF table but these CEJOBs must be rebound with the new software unless TSQ is used.
TIRPROFD and TIROLBCM do not need their own plan binds because their packages become part of a generated application's plan when the generated application is bound. Example follows:
When the generated app is built, the application's plan will be bound and it will include all packages in the runtime collection ID's package list. Review the bottom of an install control member and review the package lists to be used in the application's plan bind.
The first is the collection id of the Host Ency. The second collection id is what was entered in the bind options for the model. The first will pull in the packages for TIRPROFD and TIROLBCM when appropriate.