DUAS/UVC - Export/Import objects through a packge : UVC (interactive) vs DUAS (command line)
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DUAS/UVC - Export/Import objects through a packge : UVC (interactive) vs DUAS (command line)


Article ID: 194205


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


There are 2 ways to export/import objects using packages within Dollar Universe.

Depending on the need, it can be done on UVC (interactive mode) or DUAS (command line).


From UVC, there are also 2 ways to export objects: 

-> From the objects themselves (Uproc's for example) : select all the Uprocs you want to export, right-click, "Send to...", do not modify the "Source", in "Destination", select the package (new one or existing one). You can then do from all the panels when you want to export objects

-> From the Design->Deployment->Packages directly (best way to do when you want to export many objects at a time) : "New", set the package name, "+ Add", select the Company and the Node, the object type and add them.

Please note that the best way to export your items is to use the "Task" type, do "Next" at the bottom-right, then select all the objects in the list (CTRL + A) and click "Expand" on the top.
It will automatically add all the items that are necessary for the Task to work (Sessions, Uprocs, Applications, Submission accounts, Batch Queue, etc.)

- For example, to export 4 Tasks on the same Company/Node :

- Before clicking "Expand", here is the list of the objects (only Tasks/Sessions/Uprocs):

And after clicking "Expand" (Application, Submission Account, Batch Queue, etc.) :

The package file may then be imported on the node using the "Deployment" menu.

And from DUAS :

uniexp -area X -company UNIV62 -file "C:\temp\extract_UNIV62X.xml" -login admin -pwd admin -mshost UVMS_HOST -msport 4184 -node NODE_NAME -full

The "full" option will export all the objects from the node.

It will create an XML file which can be imported on another node using the uniimp command.


Details available through the Doc :





Release : 6.9



Not an issue.