We need a way to identify all network devices with Unknown Status in NetOps Portal.
Randomly we find network devices with no data to display, and they all have Unknown Status.
Release : 3.7
Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration
This can be accomplished by utilizing the getPolledDeviceInfo.sh script.
1. Place it on the Data Repository
2. Run it with the following syntax:
./getPolledDeviceInfo.sh -saur reach_rate -U dauser -w dapass -t time_in_seconds
-U = The Data Aggregator username to login to the database, the recommended default is "dauser".
-w = The Data Aggregator password to login to the database, the recommended default is "dapass".
-t = The time in seconds that you want to check for reachability data.
-s = Silent. Disable all output except the polled device count.
3. For example, this call will show all devices that show no reachability data for the past 24 hours
./getPolledDeviceInfo.sh -saur reach_rate -U dauser -w dapass -t 86400
How to validate you have the dauser password:
$ cd /opt/vertica/bin
$ ./vsql -U dauser -W (prompt for password)