Rally: Percent Done by Plan Estimate and Percent Done by Story Count is delayed in rolling up to the Feature
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Rally: Percent Done by Plan Estimate and Percent Done by Story Count is delayed in rolling up to the Feature


Article ID: 193933


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Percent Done by Plan Estimate and Story Count is delayed in rolling up from user stories to the feature.  A rollup can happen when you add or remove stories or accept stories in a feature.  It also happens when you add/change/delete plan estimate on a user story.


Release : SAAS



Due to the size of features, a decision was made to have the rollups performed as a background process.  This prevents the UI from locking up for the user until the process completes.  This decision was based on performance and end-user experience.

As our customer's use of Rally continues to evolve we are needing to make infrastructure updates to better support the scale of how the rollups run. We have discovered aspects of the existing rollup calculation implementation that won't adequately scale in all situations, so we expect to see occasional delays while that is the case.  We are investing in needed updates to reduce those delays to an acceptable threshold but it will take time to make those updates incrementally over time.

For more detail, please see the following link in our community page: https://community.broadcom.com/enterprisesoftware/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=07a6bcbd-1af0-42e3-b0f7-bcf2d12a03c0&CommunityKey=f303f769-8d4c-44d9-924c-3845bba6444e&tab=digestviewer#bm07a6bcbd-1af0-42e3-b0f7-bcf2d12a03c0