In each policy for managed software delivery, under the policy settings tab, there’s a reporting section. What are these used for?
* Enable verbose reporting of status events (enabled by default)
* Enable reporting of a policy progress status
Options on the Policy Settings tab
Display name
Lets you define the name that appears in the Symantec Management Agent for this policy. The default name is New Managed Software Delivery. Make the name descriptive enough for users to easily identify this software.
Display description
Lets you type a description to further identify this software and make it more recognizable on the Symantec Management Agent.
Enable verbose reporting of status events
Records the details of policy status, package download, and execution events and posts them to the Notification Server computer.
Enable reporting of a policy progress status
Records and posts to the Notification Server computer the most recent progress status of the Managed Software Delivery policy. For example, you can see if the policy is running, deferred, or completed. You can also see if the policy is not started yet or failed. Note that the failed status is displayed only for UNIX, Linux, and Mac computers.
NOTE: This information came from the on-line help Policy Rules/Actions: Policy settings tab so check her for possible updates