Top Secret How to increase TIMEOUT value and specify secondary Radius server for MFASTC?
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Top Secret How to increase TIMEOUT value and specify secondary Radius server for MFASTC?


Article ID: 193856


Updated On:


Top Secret


  • Is there a way to increase  TIMEOUT value for MFASTC  conencting Radius server?
  • Is there a way to specify a secondary Radius server IP address?
  • What does MAABURAD do when we run this program to configure MFASTC?


Release : 16.0

Component : CA Top Secret for z/OS


Question:  “Is there a way to increase TIMEOUT value for MFASTC connecting Radius server?”

No. AAM (MFASTC) doesn’t have a timeout setting. I believe the default Radius timeout is 60 seconds. (would need to find out) Radius server may have a timeout setting.

Question:“Is there a way to specify a secondary Radius server IP address?”

No. Only one server for RADIUS factor. Just you would call it primary-only.

Question:“What does MAABURAD do when we run this program to configure MFASTC?”

The data (factor, hostname, secret, etc.) is stored into the Top Secret VSAM file for access by AAM (MFASTC) at startup