Our implementation of DX NetOps Performance Management has a Data Repository with a three node cluster. The storage team moved the storage platform used by the Data Repository for data and catalog directories from Symmetrix & Clariion to PURE using Pure Flash Array. The model in this situation is FA-X70R2.
Reviewing I/O numbers from the vioperf script before and after the move we can see the I/O performance after the move is quite below what it was before the move.
When engaging the storage team they have questions about how to configure the PURE Storage Platform to meet the Vertica I/O requirements.
Is there any documentation or best practices in setting up storage for Vertica?
I’m not familiar with the I/O configuration for Vertica so if anyone knows the block size and maybe the maximum I/O size it’s doing that may help us too. According to the PURE best practice documentation there are a few things that could be changed. Would these changes help?
All supported Performance Management releases
Changing storage engine behind the Data Repository database data and catalog directories.
The following documents the various changes and recommendations to improve I/O in this storage change scenario using PURE storage. One or more of these changes might be needed to resolve similar I/O problems when using the PURE storage solution.
Is there a way to compare numbers before and after the storage change?
What other configurations might be made or recommended to help improve I/O?
defaults {
user_friendly_names yes
polling_interval 10
find_multipaths yes
devices {
device {
vendor "PURE"
path_selector "queue-length 0"
path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
path_checker tur
fast_io_fail_tmo 10
dev_loss_tmo 60
no_path_retry 0
hardware_handler "1 alua"
prio alua
failback immediate
What size I/O is the vioperf using to perform it's tests?
Vertica asks for readahead of 2048 and blocksize of 4096 to operate properly. It would be using 4096 as the value for vioperf performance checks.
If changes are needed best practice is to:
Vertica Hardware Guide: https://www.vertica.com/kb/GenericHWGuide/Content/Hardware/GenericHWGuide.htm