Provide a Dev Tools network (HAR) trace from the Google Chrome or Edge browser
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Provide a Dev Tools network (HAR) trace from the Google Chrome or Edge browser


Article ID: 193258


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In some cases you need to do a network trace of a Clarity issue when you suspect the network or the requests may be needing investigation. Here are the steps to enable and provide a HAR trace with browser Dev Tools.


Release : All Supported Clarity releases


  1. Open Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge
  2. Go to the Hamburger menu (three dots in top right corner)
  3. Select More Tools - Developer Tools
  4. In Dev Tools - Network tab select the checkbox for [x] 'Preserve log' (if this is not checked, once the page refreshes, the network history is lost)
  5. Reproduce the problem in the same browser tab
  6. Now in the Dev Tools frame, open Network
  7. Right click on the requests URL in the Name column
  8. Select Save all as HAR with Content, save it to disk
  9. If you see error messages, go to Dev Tools - Console, look for any errors, take a screenshot 


Provide the resulting HAR file and the screenshot of Console tab to Broadcom Support for review.

Additional Information

If the request you would like to troubleshoot is opening in a new tab, use the below option:

  1. Open DevTools in the original screen
  2. Select the Options on top right of the Dev Tools frame - Settings 
  3. in Preferences, select Auto-open Dev Tools for popups to be enabled