The ACF2 default GSO CLASMAP for SDSF is as follows: CLASMAP.SDSF RESOURCE(SDSF) RSRCTYPE(SDF) ENTITYTLN(63). The IBM SDSF STIG V-18011 ZISFA038 SV-40830r1_rule STIG is stating ENTITYTLN(39) must be specified. What the ramifications are if the ENTITYLN is changed to 39?
Release : 16.0
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS
The STIG is incorrect. IBM documents that the resource class SDSF maximum entity length is MAXLNTH=63 . If you change the CLASMAP to ENTITYTLN(39) this will cause resource names greater than 39 to be truncated to 39 characters which can cause issues with resource rule validations.
Recommendation is to specify ENTITYLN(63) for the CLASMAP for SDSF.