Why is my task waiting at a breakpoint while no breakpoint appears?
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Why is my task waiting at a breakpoint while no breakpoint appears?


Article ID: 19303


Updated On:


InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch InterTest VSE - CICS SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


During an active monitoring session, the receiving terminal can hang rather than display a breakpoint.


CA InterTest for CICS users may experience a terminal hang when expecting to receive a breakpoint.  A CNTL=INQ command shows that the task is active and an associated message states that CA InterTest for CICS is waiting at a breakpoint. However, no breakpoint display appears.


Actively monitoring a CICS application program  with Intertest.  


The most common cause of this problem is the CA InterTest for CICS breakpoint transaction, VTAT, has received a security violation when attempting to display the breakpoint. This can often occur when the CICS transaction is not associated with a terminal and the originating terminal is defined as FROM=.ANY or FROM=.NO through the LIST Profile.
Ensure that there are no external security restrictions defined for the VTAT transaction.  

Additional Information

Please refer to the section entitled CA ACF2 and RACF Users in the documentation. All security must be removed from the IPLX, ISER, VIRC, LIST, and VTAT transactions. For optimal performance, security should be removed from the CNTL transaction as well



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