Occasionally the following trace is generated with an error like:20200527/123429.583 - U00015006 System forced memory trace dump.
20200527/123429.583 - EXIT UCUMELD RET: 0000000000 TIME: 0000,00232 RETTEXT=' '
20200527/123429.583 - U00003631 Dump caused by:
20200527/123429.583 - U00000001 NO DATA (end of file, invalid key, no message...)
20200527/123429.583 - U00011801 Error in Server routine 'UCDVAR_R', Server: '<systemname>#WP012' AE system: '<systemname>'.
20200527/123429.583 - End of ringtrace
This is fixed in 21.0. The issue will still persist in 12.3.
These types of ring trace files shouldn't be ignored but if the error matches the example above it can be disregarded