What reply should be made to message U11D-0230-2?
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What reply should be made to message U11D-0230-2?


Article ID: 19254


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The  CA 11 DBAS initialization is  receiving message  U11D-0230-2 SUBSYSTEM CAL7 ALREADY ACTIVE; REPLY 'O'  TO OVERRIDE OR 'A' TO ABORT DBAS INITIALIZATION.  What is the appropriate response  to enter for this messages?



Release: 3.0, 11.0


CA 11 DBAS initialization is being attempted using a configuration file that specifies a subsystem name parameter SSN=xxxx.  Another subsystem with the identical name appears to be already active.  When a previous attempt to start CAL7 was incomplete or  a previously active DBAS was unable to shut down successfully, this results in a DBAS control block in an invalid state. 


   The appropriate reply for the U11D-0230-2 will depend on whether or not there is an existing CA 11 task that is currently active.  Reply 'A' to abort the initialization attempt  if  an existing CA 11 DBAS is already active.  Reply 'O'  to override the initialization attempt if  a previous  start  of the CA 11 DBAS was  incomplete or  the previously active CA 11 DBAS was unable to shut down successfully.   After the reply of 'O' is made, CA 11 will either initialize successfully or generate additional message(s) if any further problems exist. Any further message(s) will identify outstanding problem(s) that need to be addressed.