The inherited sub-groups count doesn't update after adding new sub-groups
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The inherited sub-groups count doesn't update after adding new sub-groups


Article ID: 192406


Updated On: 02-19-2024


Advanced Threat Protection Platform Endpoint Detection and Response


If the Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (SEDR) GUI under Settings -> Global -> is opened when adding sub-groups to the SEPM, the inherited sub-groups count in SEDR GUI is not updated.


When the inclusion UI is rendered, an async request is sent to obtain the sub-group count from database, however the render of the UI is finished before count request is completed.


Symantec is aware of this issue and is working on a resolution.  As a temporary workaround, please use one of the following:
  • Navigate to another section of the SEDR GUI, then navigate back to the SEPM Group Inclusions page
  • Close the browser tab, relog into the SEDR GUI, then navigate back to the SEPM Group Inclusions page