After ZDU install of 12.3.2 ,change List entry is empty - JWP and JCP wont load.
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After ZDU install of 12.3.2 ,change List entry is empty - JWP and JCP wont load.


Article ID: 192262


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


After ZDU install of ver. 12.3.2  Change list entry is not completed of build version.

Installing SP2 of 12.3 with ZDU.

Upgrade is from V12.3.1 to V12.3.2.

At starting of the new JWPs and JCPs following error occur:

20200311/141048.520 - 1 U00045062 Error: The version of the initial data or the stored JWP component (change list) in UC_ZDU does not match the version of this JWP.

20200311/141048.521 - 1 U00045063 Upgrade mode: 'Y' - Number of entries in UC_ZDU: '2'

20200311/141048.525 - 1 U00045064 The entry for message queue set '1' and version '12.3.1+build.1570622767517' and change list '1570446148' cannot be used for this JWP.

20200311/141048.526 - 1 U00045064 The entry for message queue set '2' and version '12.3.2+build.1581360057835' and change list '' cannot be used for this JWP.

The table of UC_ZDU has following content:





Release : 12.3



This will be fixed in upcoming Version/s: Currently There is no ETA for Upcoming version . 

workaround consists on manually editing in the UC_ZDU table, on the line which points to the target updated version, the column zdu_jwpchngelist from '' to the build version of your target jwp ( can be seen in the jwp log)