To see vertica queries currently running
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To see vertica queries currently running


Article ID: 192241


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


In the event of performance issues with vertica, how can I see the vertica queries currently running?


CAPM 3.x


To determine running vertica queries do the following:

  1. Log on to a vertica node
  2. su - dradmin (or equivalent user)
  3. cd /opt/vertica/bin
  4. ./adminTools
  5. #2 Connect to database
  6. \x for expanded display
  7. Run the following query: select node_name, user_name, request_type, request, request_label, memory_acquired_mb, error_count, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, error_count from query_requests where is_executing='t'  order by start_timestamp desc;

You should get output that looks like this:

node_name          | #####
user_name          | dradmin
request_type       | QUERY
request            | select node_name, user_name, request_type, request, request_label, memory_acquired_mb, error_count, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, error_count from query_requests where is_executing='t'  order by start_timestamp desc;
request_label      |
memory_acquired_mb | 100
error_count        |
start_timestamp    | 2020-06-04 07:50:12.254002-04
end_timestamp      |
error_count        |