Using CA PERFMON and CA SYSVIEW to monitor performance in CA IDMS systems
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Using CA PERFMON and CA SYSVIEW to monitor performance in CA IDMS systems


Article ID: 19224


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IDMS IDMS - Database


It is important to monitor performance of IDMS systems in order to ensure efficiency. Starting on CA IDMS v18.5 CA PERFMON and CA SYSVIEW combine to do that in new ways.



Release: All supported releases
Component: Performance Monitor


On IDMS v18.5, the IDMSINFO address space was introduced. This facility allowed IDMS PERFMON to monitor performance in multiple CVs within the same LPAR. This facility also opened up the possibility for IDMS SYSVIEW to see data from one or all CVs within the same address space. For SYSVIEW users, this provides a new functionality that IDMS users may wish to utilize. This feature does require that CA IDMS v18.5 be installed at your site, but that is only required on one CV. Once a v18.5 CV has been installed, this facility can then be used to access information for all CVs on R17.0 and higher.

For IDMS users who are not familiar with SYSVIEW, here is a list of some commands which are available within SYSVIEW to monitor IDMS systems:


IDMS MENU -  Gives a list (which is also selectable)  of all the IDMS Commands and sub-menus
IDMSLIST                  CA IDMS address space list             
IDMS                      Set target IDMS address space                                                                        
IDBUFFIO                  Buffer I/O summary               
IDBUFFIO DETA             Buffer I/O detail                
IDDBASES                  Database overview                
IDDBIOD                   Database I/O drivers             
IDJRNL                    Journal activity                 
IDLINES                   Communication lines              
IDLTERMS                  Logical terminals                
IDLTRESU                  Logical terminal resource usage  
IDPGMPL                   Program pools                    
IDRU                      System run units summary         
IDRU DETAIL               System run units detail          
IDSCRMGR                  Scratch manager                  
IDSQL                     SQL usage                        
IDSTG                     Storage pool overview           
IDSTGPL                   Storage pools                   
IDTASKS                   Active tasks                    
IDTRANOV                  Transaction overview            
IDTRANS                   Transactions                    
IDTSKPGM                  Task and program pool overview                                                                    
IDMSTEST                  IDMS test utility                                                                           
IDMS online reference    


Anyone of the above commands can be suffixed with either SYSTEM or XSYSTEM to display the data for all CV's running on the same SYSTEM or all CV's running cross system (XSYSTEM) . If neither suffix is specified, then the information displayed will be relevant to the selected default system only; this default is specified with the IDMS command noted above.

For example: IDSTG XSYSTEM will display an initial panel like the following, with storage pool information for all of the IDMS systems at your site.

Many of the SYSVIEW commands, including the one above, display several screens worth of data, which can be accessed using the PF10 & PF11 PFKeys to page left and right.

If you are a current user of IDMS PERFMON and would like this capability, you can look into purchasing the CA SYSVIEW product to access these commands. If you are an IDMS user who uses SYSVIEW, you may want to purchase IDMS PERFMON in order to have access to this level of information.