Potential storage overlay when using APPLPOOL that is not active, random S0C1 abends are generated
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Potential storage overlay when using APPLPOOL that is not active, random S0C1 abends are generated


Article ID: 192202


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Random S0C1 abends are experienced when using the APPLPOOL definitions for OPERAVUE that are no longer active but adressing still continues because Opera is not aware that they are not active. 


Opera 3.1 
z/OS 2.1 and above


The overlay is from the creation of the OPERAVUE Applid pool. 


We can confirm that CA-OPERA caused the storage overlay.  The overlay is from the creation of the OPERAVUE Applid pool. 

If you remove the APPLPOOL parameter entry then that eliminates that overhead with maintaining this facility, which is probably the most efficient choice since OPERAVUE is not being used. Bear in mind that this is very random and almost never experienced.

This will eliminate the storage allocation. Be sure to remove the APPLPOOL parameter and recycle Opera

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