What is the order of CA Datacom I/O Operations for updates?
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What is the order of CA Datacom I/O Operations for updates?


Article ID: 192200


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


I am trying to understand the order of I/O events that the MUF performs for maintenance transactions, but cannot find it. 


Component : CA DATACOM/DB

Component : CA DATACOM/AD


Whenever a maintenance transaction is performed by the CA Datacom MUF (Add, Update, Delete), here is the linear processing of the I/O Events:

  1. Write information to the Log Area (LXX);
  2. Write the record to the data area;
  3. Write the key information to the database index (IXX)

Additional Information

As always, please contact Broadcom support for CA Datacom if you have further questions.