Debugging event procedure attribute values in DX NetOps Spectrum
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Debugging event procedure attribute values in DX NetOps Spectrum


Article ID: 192160


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We are constructing an event procedure with regex to parse out strings from a trap, and generate new events and alarms from the parsed text.

After adding event_disp_error_file=event_disp_error_file.log in $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc, and restarting the SpectroSERVER, there is output showing this event procedure, but the procedure itself is not working. Is there further debugging available? 


Platform Independent


There may be issue with the variables of the trap and regex unable to parse the proper strings. 


There is event variable debugging function "DebugValue()"  available to use and it will dump the event variables to the file specified in the  event_disp_error_file variable of $SPECROOT/SS/.vnmrc for review.

The following is an example of its use for dumping event variables for event 0xfff00000:

0xfff00000 E 50 P “DebugValue( { S \”event varbind list dump: \” }, GetEventVariableList() )

Note: It is recommended to not copy and paste the entry above as the KB article may have hidden format characters that would cause the
            SS to have parse errors when compiling. If possible manually type out the entry above.

Additional Information

Further details on DebugValue can be found in Spectrum Guides: 

TechDocs : DX NetOps Spectrum 22.2 : Troubleshooting Event Procedures