I cannot find any Clarity portal or reporting attribute which will allow me to see all documents across projects.
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I cannot find any Clarity portal or reporting attribute which will allow me to see all documents across projects.


Article ID: 192075


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


I need to get a list of projects that have documents attached in the Collaboration tab. Ideally, I would be able to create a simple report of just the projects that have documents attached. Can someone point me to the data fields where I can get this information?




Currently the application does not have any standard stock reports to show all documents across projects and knowledge store. In the current design of the application, the only way that you can see documents across all projects in the Application UI is to use the Advanced Search feature. If you have the access to the documents and perform an Advanced Search, the results will come back from multiple projects and knowledge store.

The alternatives are:

 A. Create your own lookup to see projects with/without documents.

For example: Go to Administration > Data Administration > Lockups, create New and fill in:

- General tab:
1. Enter the Lookup Name, Lookup ID, and select Dynamic Query.
2. Click Save and Continue.

- Query tab:
1. Add lookup query.
To complete this step you can:
a) Construct your own lookup query or consult with DBA on writing one.
b) Search the Broadcom Community/Experts Forum for help with building custom query, for example: Need a query to list projects without documents
2. Save and Continue.

- Browse Window tab:
1. Click Preview button to test the query.
Save and Return.

B. Create a custom Clarity Portlet to retrieve the list of documents.

To create the portlet you can reference the Clarity PPM Entity Relationship Diagram in the Technical Reference Guide for more details on database table schema.
Document Table Names: These are the primary tables that contain information for documents.