After upgrading DLP when visiting the "Manage > Data Profiles > Exact Data" page in the Enforce Console you see a Red Banner with the following message...
You can confirm this by checking for the following error message in the "localhost.log" file.
"ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier"
Full Error Message:
* SQLException during execution of sql-statement:
* sql statement was 'SELECT A0.viewRowNum,A0.indexedInfoSourceID,A0.infoSourceID,A0.type,A0.informationMonitorID,A0.status,A0.startDate,A0.updatedDate,A0.endDate,A0.version,A0.numOfDocuments FROM LastIndexedStatusByMonitor A0'
* Exception message is [ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
* Vendor error code [904]
* SQL state code [42000]
* The root stack trace is -->
* java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "A0"."NUMOFDOCUMENTS": invalid identifier
This issue can be caused when an Upgrade is performed on Enforce with a database that does not have SecureFile enabled.
We recommend all customers follow the Oracle recommendation to use the SecureFile format for LOB tables. In the case of DLP it applies to the LOB_TABLESPACE.