JAWS AAI: What log files to collect when opening a case with Broadcom Support.
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JAWS AAI: What log files to collect when opening a case with Broadcom Support.


Article ID: 191991


Updated On:


Automic Automation Intelligence


This article details on which log files need to be gathered when opening a case with Broadcom Support for Automic Automation Intelligence. 


Once a case has been created with Broadcom Support, make sure to gather log information for faster resolution.

Below are a few things to know about where and what logs to collect:

1. Log files for the Automic Automation Intelligence (AAI) application can be found in: 


2. Gather the log files for the full day (at least 24 hours) when the issue was present OR when the issue started:

Log files for the current day all end in .log

Log files for any other day end in .log.yyyy-mm-dd

3. When uploading log files to a Broadcom support case, the entire suite of log files for the day(s) (*.log or *.log.yyyy-mm-dd) should be included.

In a UNIX environment, a command like the following can be used to create a compressed zip file with an embedded date ($Dir/`hostname`.`date ‘+%Y%m%d.%H%M’`.tar.gz) in the specified directory (/home/aaiuser) for all log files modified in the AAI install (/opt/AAI/jboss/standalone/log ) within the specified number of days (-mtime -2).


cd /opt/AAI/jboss/standalone/log; tar cvzf $Dir/`hostname`.`date ‘+%Y%m%d.%H%M’`.tar.gz $(find . -mtime -2 -type f)

For Windows, zip all .log files located in {AAI_INSTALL}/jboss/standalone/log, and attach it to the Support case.