Clarity PPM - Difference in browser behavior when clearing cache (Chrome vs Edge)
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Clarity PPM - Difference in browser behavior when clearing cache (Chrome vs Edge)


Article ID: 191984


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


There is a difference in application behavior when clearing cache in Chrome vs Edge.

In Chrome, it clears session info and we need to login again. Not the case in Edge and IE.


  • Clarity PPM makes uses of a session cookie. This is not stored on disk, but in memory while the browser is
  • If this is cleared, then it will force the user to login again.
  • if I clear the cache (including cookies) in Internet Explorer, it does not remove the session cookie if the browser tab is still open.
  • It seems Microsoft's cache clear is different than Chrome's approach, which does clear the session cookie.
    A workaround is when clearing the cache, deselect this option in Chrome: "Cookies and other site data"