NFA not discovering interface description (Router Name, IfName and IfDescr)
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NFA not discovering interface description (Router Name, IfName and IfDescr)


Article ID: 191861


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


Several SNMPv3 profiles:

Log message error:

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2020/05/26 08:54:10 | ALWAYS: Error code of: E_TIMEOUT on request for host: with profile: v3 authType=SHA privType=DES secLevel=AuthAndPriv securityName=[z@1JF8X41 port=161 on port: 161


Release : 21.2.2 and earlier.



We can see that the SNMPv3 profile is using same user for different Password. In the following example, there are multiple profiles using the user 'superadmin' :

user: USER
Password: pass1
athent. sha
encryp. des

user: USER
Password: pass2
athent. sha
encryp. aes

The NFA cannot to have two or more SNMPv3 Profiles with the same user. In this particular example the user is "USER", but ANY repeated user name in v3 profiles is a problem.


Make sure there is only ONE v3 profile per user name. If necessary, remove or edit the other profiles with the same user.

This issue is resolved in NFA 21.2.4 and up:

Fixed Issues (

Additional Information

Which SNMP OID's does NFA use to poll routers and interfaces?
Article Id: 134069