Monitoring Tab -> Summary Tab -> What does "Last Status Update" mean?
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Monitoring Tab -> Summary Tab -> What does "Last Status Update" mean?


Article ID: 191822


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


what does the "Last Status Update:" mean on the Monitoring Tab > Summary Tab (on the "Status Summary" box).
The assumption is that if I updated a job that belongs to that view that would update, is this the case?




The Server Status Order category contains the fields that specify the severity
value that should be assigned to this server status. This value is used to
prioritize the overall server status for the view. The lowest number assigned
indicates the highest severity.


The Job Status Order category contains the fields that define the severity value
that should be assigned to this job status. This value is used to prioritize the
overall job status for the view. The lowest number assigned indicates the highest
severity. If the priority is changed, the view status is updated on the next job

But if the newer status change is a lower priority than what your current status is
the view will not change its status.

You have two jobs x1 and x2 in the view.
Both are in success.
The view is in a state of success with the time of the last/first success.
If you now toggle x1 to failure the view status/time will change as Failure has a priority of 111 by default which beats as Success and its 121 default value.
If you run x2 to Success the view and status time for the view will NOT change.
Again this is because 111 beats 121.

Had I started with both in success and toggled x1 to on_ice the view would have changed to on_ice and its time would be updated.
If I then ran x2 to failure the failure would beat the on_ice (111 vs 118), so then the view status and time would change to reflect the status and time of the failure change.

Please see the following for more details on how the Status / update times are determined for a view.