A new Symdump batch release 11 installation is missing DB2 bind member CARXBIND located in PDS HLQ.CAVHJCL
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A new Symdump batch release 11 installation is missing DB2 bind member CARXBIND located in PDS HLQ.CAVHJCL


Article ID: 191804


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SymDump Batch


The Symdump Batch r 11 documentation says there is a bind job in member CARXBIND in PDS HLQ.CAVHJCL. But I couldn't find  CARXBIND in my CAVHJCL library after the installation was finished?




When the client installed Symdump batch R 11 they did not include the optional Symdump batch r 11 DB2 FMID. The sample bind JCL member CARXBIND is added to the sample JCL library  CAVHJCL when you apply FMID CARXB01.


Since this client is using CSM they will need to do a NEW custom install using CSM including the Symdump Batch r 11 DB2 FMID CARXB01 FMID - component.

This link outlines the FMID'S that are available when installing Symdump batch R 11 form the Intertest and Symdump r 11 PAX installation file. See Topic Installing an individual product.