Update NetOps Portal after IP Address or Host Name changes
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Update NetOps Portal after IP Address or Host Name changes


Article ID: 191789


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How can we update NetOps Portal after the server it is installed on has a new IP address assigned.

How do we change the IP address for NetOps Portal if the server is moved to a new subnet?

How can we update NetOps Portal after the server it is installed on has a new Host Name assigned?

What changes are needed when NetOps Portal has it's Host Name changed?


All supported Performance Management releases


The server that NetOps Portal is installed on has had its IP Address or Host Name changed.


NOTE: If the Host Name has changed but not the IP Address, the same instructions below apply. Just substitute the Host Name anywhere it references the IP Address and change where needed.

How To Change The NetOps Portal IP Address

  1. Stop all four NetOps Portal services.
    • Mysql can remain running.
  2. Ensure the /etc/hosts file is updated with other Performance Management system IP/Host Name changes.
  3. Start the SSO service.
    • Wait one minute
  4. Start the Event Manager service
  5. Start Device Manager service
    • Wait one minute.
  6. Start the Console service

Once those steps have been completed validate the correct new IP Address is set for the NetOps Data Source.

Once those steps have completed the following is what should take place.

  1. During Global and Data Source synchronization cycles post NetOps services restart:
  2. The new IP address will be updated in the data_sources2 table in the netqosportal MySql DB.
  3. Initial synchronization, before calling the PULL phase, will update the performance_center_properties table in the netqosportal MySql DB.
    1. The NetOps Portal IP Address will be set in the values for these entries:
      1. NpcWebSiteHost
      2. NpcWebServiceHost
  4. In r3.7+ releases it will also update the NetOps Portal device item name with the new IP Address.
  5. Later when Event Manager Inventory synchronization runs, NetOps will take the information from the performance_center_properties table.
    1. It uses those values to update the Data Source entry in the data_sources2 table in the netqosportal MySql DB.
      1. It updates the values for that Data Source
        1. Host
        2. ConsoleHost
    2. This will trigger an update of those values to the data_sources table in the em MySql DB.
    3. It does so using the higher Priority column value found between the values of 0 or 1.
      • NOTE: Priority Value 2 will not be synchronized with other Data Sources.
  6. If set with Host Name as long as DNS and/or /etc/hosts on the NetOps server are set properly no change should be needed.
    1. Note that the default will always be IP Address.
    2. The default could have been overridden via the SsoConfig command, where the Remote Value could be set with a different IP Address or Host Name.
      1. To check this value, on the Portal server:
        1. Go to /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter
        2. Run the ./SsoConfig command
        3. Enter 1 for Performance Center
        4. Enter 3 for Performance Center
        5. Review the values set for:
          1. Web Service Host
          2. Web Site Host
        6. Enter 1 for Remote Value.
        7. Is an IP Address for these values set?
          1. Web Service Host
          2. Web Site Host
        8. Enter b to go back.
        9. Enter 2 for Local Override.
        10. Is an IP Address for these values set?
          1. Web Service Host
          2. Web Site Host
      2. If either Remote Value or Local Override show an IP Address set, follow the prompts to update them so they use the new IP Address.
    3. Check using this query from the /opt/CA/MySql/bin directory. Enter the password when prompted:
      • ./mysql -unetqos -p -e "select ConsoleName,ConsoleHost,Host from netqosportal.data_sources2 where SourceID=0;"
      • Sample output from a support lab system when set with IP Address. Sample address used for example.
        • [root@PC_Host bin]# ./mysql -unetqos -p -e "select ConsoleName,ConsoleHost,Host from netqosportal.data_sources2 where SourceID=0;"
          Enter password: <enteredPasswordIsNotShownWhileTyped>
          | ConsoleName           | ConsoleHost | Host        |
          | CA Performance Center | x.x.x.x | x.x.x.x |
  7. Next, we will check to ensure the Event Manager Data Source IP Address is set properly.
    • If set with Host Name, as long as DNS and/or /etc/hosts on the Portal server are set properly no change should be needed.
    • Check using this query from the /opt/CA/MySql/bin directory. Enter the password when prompted:
      • ./mysql -unetqos -p -e "select ConsoleName,ConsoleHost,Host from data_sources2 where ConsoleName like "%EventManager%";"
      • Sample output from a support lab system when set with IP Address. Sample address used for example.
        • [root@lvntest002828 bin]# ./mysql -unetqos -p -e "select ConsoleName,ConsoleHost,Host from netqosportal.data_sources2 where ConsoleName like '%EventManager%';"
          Enter password: <enteredPasswordIsNotShownWhileTyped>
          | ConsoleName                | ConsoleHost   | Host          |
          | [email protected] | x.x.x.x | x.x.x.x |
    • If those commands show it set with IP Address use the steps listed in the "Update the Event Manager Data Source" section of the Migrate NetOps Portal documentation.
    • The command to set LastEvent and ConsumerID to 0 will force all Data Sources known to Event Manager to gather new details for the hosts it gathers information from.
    • The updated values will be driven by prior Netops Portal updates to the netqosportal DB tables.
    • Once EM gets it’s new IP Address it will update the general table in the em MySql DB.
      • After making the manual data_sources changes per the steps in the documentation, during the next inventory synchronization cycle for the Event Manager Data Source it will re-register with the other Data Sources.
      • Once the re-registration takes place it will send the other Data Sources a new eventmanager URL value.
      • The Data Sources will then have the URL with new IP Address for use when requesting Events from Event Manager.

Other Considerations

  1. Does the host Netops Portal is installed on have dual NIC cards that are both configured and active? Ensure the correct new IP Address is being used.
    1. Often in these situations, only one IP Address is the right one to use for successful Netops portal operation.
    2. If the server is configured with dual NIC cards we can not guarantee that the IP Address we should use is the one that will be selected.
    3. Netops portal stores its IP Address in the performance_center_properties table, in the netqosportal MySql DB.
      1. It sets its 'default' initial entry with Priority value 0 (zero).
      2. These values are set during the initial installation.
      3. When that DB value is changed with a new/different IP Address it updates the value in the data_sources2 table in the netqosportal Mysql DB.
    4. If the wrong IP Address is selected and set in the performance_center_properties table with Priority value 0 (zero), we'll need to use the SsoConfig tool correct it.