Mixing PDS & PDSE files in Datacom STEPLIB and NEWCOPY
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Mixing PDS & PDSE files in Datacom STEPLIB and NEWCOPY


Article ID: 191714


Updated On:


Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


Can PDS and PDSE libraries be concatenated together in the Datacom MUF STEPLIB and NEWCOPY DD statements?

Are there any issues running with mixed PDS and PDSE datasets together?


z/OS allows a mixture of PDS and PDSE datasets to be concatenated together. All Datacom libraries are now installed as PDSE except for the CABDLPA library, which must be defined as PDS. There are no known problems with Datacom mixing PDS and PDSE datasets and using NEWCOPY.

Additional Information

See IBM Documentation Partitioned Concatenation and Datacom documentation for Library Requirements