Clarity PPM: Error parsing HTTP request header in app and nsa logs post upgrade
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Clarity PPM: Error parsing HTTP request header in app and nsa logs post upgrade


Article ID: 191645


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After upgrading, Error parsing HTTP request header is seen in both the nsa.system.logs and app-system.logs. So far no impact is seen from the application side. What is the cause of this issue?

Example of error in logs include:
2020/05/23 05:50:32.506 | INFO: Error parsing HTTP request header
2020/05/23 05:50:32.506 |  Note: further occurrences of HTTP header parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
2020/05/23 05:50:32.506 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name. HTTP method names must be tokens



Release : Any


  1. Check to make sure the ports being used are opened. Example, if NSA/CSA is using port 8090, then have your Network team make sure that port 8090 is opened.
  2. Also, try a full redeploy of the services and see if that clears the issue

If the above doesn't help, please open a case with Broadcom support for assistance. When opening a case, in addition to providing the errors seen, please note what happens if you try to restart the NSA from the command line. If there is any additional error generated there, please provide that as well