It is recommended to disable SHA1 and CBC mode cipher encryption and enable CTR or GCM cipher mode encryption. Will there be any impact to ITCM?
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It is recommended to disable SHA1 and CBC mode cipher encryption and enable CTR or GCM cipher mode encryption. Will there be any impact to ITCM?


Article ID: 191602


Updated On:


CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - Software Delivery CA Client Automation - Remote Control CA Client Automation - Asset Intelligence CA Client Automation - Desktop Migration Manager CA Client Automation - Patch Manager


VA scan was conducted on ITCM and it was highlighted that there was a vulnerability on SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32)

The remote host supports the use of SSL ciphers that offer medium strength encryption. Because its medium strength as any encryption
that uses key lengths at least 64 bits and less than 112 bits, or else that uses the 3DES encryption suite.

Note that it is considerably easier to circumvent medium strength encryption if the attacker is on the same physical network.

It is recommended to disable SHA1 and CBC mode cipher encryption and enable CTR or GCM cipher mode encryption. Will there be any impact to ITCM?


Release : 14.0 SP1 SP2 SP3



There wont be any impact if you are in current version 14.0 SP3 (Current version uses sh2).Recommended to be on 14.0 Sp1 or Above.