We are using Identity Manager 14.2 (vapp). When a user logs out of the Identity Manager user console, the logout.jsp page is displayed in English (see LogoutDefault.PNG). We want this page to be displayed in French (French / Canada [fr-ca]) which is our default language. When we manually add the suffix (& locale = fr_CA), the page is displayed in French (see LogoutFR-CA.PNG)
It looks like replacing "curLocale = Locale.getDefault ();" with "curLocale = request.getLocale ();" corrects the problem.
Is this the case? If yes, can you provide us with a new version of the file "/opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/deployments/iam_im.ear/user_console.war/logout.jsp" and a script to replace the file because the owner of the file is "Widfly" and we do not have access to modify it.
Release : 14.2
1) /opt/CA/VirtualAppliance/custom/IdentityManager/jvm-args.conf
-Duser.language=fr_CA -Duser.country=CA
2) /opt/CA/wildfly-idm/standalone/deployments/iam_im.ear/custom/resourceBundles/IMSResources.properties
logout.title=Logged Out
#logout.message=You have successfully logged out.
logout.message=Vous vous \u00EAtes d\u00E9connect\u00E9 avec succ\u00E8s.
#logout.envlogin=Log in to the {0} environment.
logout.envlogin=Connection \u00E0 l''environment {0}