Endevor SCM How to display version of webserver after upgrading ?
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Endevor SCM How to display version of webserver after upgrading ?


Article ID: 191406


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Endevor Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin


I upgraded Endevor. How do I confirm the version of the REST API server ?


Release : 18.0, 18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


Navigate to the following URL in your web browser: http(s)://host:port/EndevorService

The website displays the current API version of the server, for example: 18.00.001. Note the server version number, as you will need this when selecting the correct plug-in.
For Endevor V18.1, the API version also shows in Tomcat log, here is an example: 
13:19:08.427 <main> INFO (c.c.e.c.SetupUtils) Endevor Webservice version: 2.5-20210506-FCE7B5B

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